I'm really excited. Do you know why? Because Halloween is almost upon us!
Halloween kicks off my favorite season of the year. After this most spooky of holidays, it's like a parade of awesomeness! Thanksgiving and Christmas. Ah...I love it so much! So festive!
What else is awesome about Halloween? Candy. Lots and lots of candy. I have a major sweet tooth. On the flip side, all that sugar from the candy is not awesome.
Back in my former life (before I was a clean eater) I used to gorge myself on candy corn around this time of year. I know a lot of people don't care much for candy corn, but I always loved it. The problem? It's essentially pure sugar. The new me says "eww!"
Actually, since I do stick to a relatively low-sugar diet now, candy corn has become much too sweet for me. It's now kinda sickening. So I thought about how I could kinda sorta get that flavor in a more nutritious manner, and also make it not quite so sweet.
What was my solution, you ask? Well, if you've read my blog at all I know what you're thinking. And you'd be correct. Yes, I threw together yet another overnight oats recipe. This time inspired by the sugary Halloween treat.
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~ Ingredients ~
½ c. rolled oats
½ c. unsweetened almond milk (or your milk of choice)
1 tsp. chia seed (optional)
1 tsp. flax seed (optional)
½ tsp. vanilla extract
¼ tsp. butter extract
½ Tbsp. honey (I used Isaiah's Garden Pure Honey)
Yellow and red food coloring
½ tsp. vanilla extract
¼ tsp. butter extract
½ Tbsp. honey (I used Isaiah's Garden Pure Honey)
Yellow and red food coloring
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~ Directions ~
Combine all ingredients for the oats. Separate into three portions. Put a few drops of the yellow food coloring in one portion, and a few drops of the red and yellow in a second portion, until orange color is achieved.
Layer the three oats mixes - orange on the bottom, followed by yellow and un-colored - in a mason jar or other sealable container and let set in the refrigerator overnight, or at least for a few hours.